YF系列水暖锅炉 |
关键词:YF系列水暖锅炉 |
■产品特点 ♦本锅炉采用水管结构及强制循环与自然循环并联的水循环方式, 锅炉出力足,热效率高。 ♦水膜脱硫除尘,无高烟筒,消除烟尘及大气污染,达到环保要求。 ♦结构合理。安装方便、安全性能好。 ♦的设计工艺,可满足不同用户对环保的要求。 ■ Performance characteristics: ♦Should the boiler adopts conduit structure and forced circulation and natu ral circulation of water cycle in parallel manner, boiler output sufficient, high thermal efficiency. ♦Water film desulfurization dusting, no high chimneys, eliminating soot and atmospheric pollution achieve environmental protection requirement. ♦Areasonable structure, convenient installation, safety performance is good. ♦ Aunique design process we can satisfy different users for environmental requirements.
已被浏览 5013 次 |
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地 址:山东省潍坊市青州开发区东京路东首
邮 编:262515
电 话:0536-3528206 3528889
传 真:0536-3528206
帐 号:15-436800460070516
开 户:农行青州市支行东夏办